Explore MathArt Controls

Art Controls

Download Art

Click Download Art
Scroll to the bottom of the Tools
Right Click on this copy of the image
Click Copy Image
Paste into your PowerPoint Presentation.
Note: For 30" giant images adjust Stage Size by typing 5000 in the Stage Size field.
Note: For small icon images enter 50 in the size field.

Data Controls

Show/Hide Art Data

Create a new Art Design.
Choose Show/Hide Art Data.
The line of Art Data appears.
Triple Click the line of data.
Control C to Copy.
Choose Reset.

Paste Art Data

Choose Paste Art Data.
Paste the line of Art Data to have copied into the Add Art Data field.
Your Art appears.
Choose a new Shape.
Click on the "Ignore Preset Shape in Paste Art Data" checkbox
Choose Paste Art Data.
See What you get.

Save Art Data

Choose Save Art Data.
A save window opens.
yourname_shape_artData.txt is preloaded into the save field.
Change name to what you want to call your Art Design.
Navagate to a place where you are authorized to save files.
Choose Save.

Object Controls

Paste SVG Object

Before you Choose Paste SVG Object, Copy SVG code descriping a simple object.
You can find some Here.
Copy the code.

Be sure you have chosen newShape from the Shapes list, or you will have to paste twice.

Choose Paste SVG Object.
Paste the lines of SVG code to have copied into the paste field.
Your Art Design appears with the new shape.

Save SVG Object

Choose Save SVG Object.
A save window opens..
yourname_shape_shape.svg is preloaded into the save field..
Change name to what you want to call your shape.
Navagate to a place where you are authorized to save files..
Choose Save..

Paste Controls

Kill Color in SVG Paste Object

Go Here.
Copy the code for BIRD-FEET2.

BE SURE YOU HAVE CHOSEN newShape FROM THE SHAPE LIST, or you will have to paste twice.

Choose Paste SVG Object.
Paste the code.
Choose Kill Color in SVG Paste Object
Notice the Change
Note: PreLoaded colors override the applications color sliders,
The Kill preloaded colors in shapes was a needed option.

Ignore Preset Shape in Paste artData.

If you do not want to change your shape when pasting art data,
Click the checkbox next to the Ignore Preset Shape in Paste artData.
This elimination of the Art Dat Shape change was a needed option.